Welcome back to the Relatively Speaking Podcast. A podcast designed to insert the most insightful and entertaining sounds into your ears via the sultry noises coming out of the orifice of Jared Mintz. Some other guy co-hosts the podcast as well. 

It is a slow news cycle in sports. That is unless you love Major League Baseball. While Jared and Joseph love the slapstick, it isn't exactly in their wheelhouse.

The show begins as all shows should, as the guys immediately go off the rails. Joseph has finally begun to watch The Leftovers. This leads the dastardly duo into a 10 minute discussion about television show spoilers, what good shows are out there, and if either of them will ever begin to consume Game of Thrones.

Also, spoiler alert, Joseph tells a story about Sons of Anarchy being spoiled for him. In the process, he spoils the show for everyone else unintentionally. 

Then it is off to actual sports. Darren Daulton died. Joseph tells a quick story about being convinced Tom Berenger's character in Major League being based off Dutch while not caring if the movie happened before 1993 or not.

The Miami Dolphins signed Jay Cutler. The guys giggle at the idea of giving an aged, coming off injury Cutler $10 million as opposed to just letting Matt Moore stink. Seriously... the Dolphins are going to stink no matter what, right?

This edition of the show ends with Absurd Questions.

Would you rather fight a clown or a mime with brass knuckles?

There was another question, but this Internet Scribbler always forgets Jared's question.

You can follow Jared on Twitter @JMintzHoops.

Joseph is over yonder @JosephNardone.