How To Wean Your Kids Off Electronics.We break down a recent event in my house when....ta da, electronics took over. How do each of us dads deal with our kids and electronics. And of course, how do we handle the tantrum that follows. Oh it's amazing raising a toddler.
We Look back at our interview with Casey Harty and look ahead to our next interview with Randi Zuckerberg and her dad Edward Zuckerberg.
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How To Wean Your Kids Off Electronics.

We break down a recent event in my house when....ta da, electronics took over. How do each of us dads deal with our kids and electronics. And of course, how do we handle the tantrum that follows. Oh it's amazing raising a toddler.

We Look back at our interview with Casey Harty and look ahead to our next interview with Randi Zuckerberg and her dad Edward Zuckerberg.