Shelley Hofberg is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Tarot Reader, Pet Psychic and Healer. Her multi-faceted gifts are reflected in her multi-faceted psychic career. Shelley has appeared on NBC television, the Discover Channel and is included in feature articles of newspapers such as the Hollywood Independent and Ventura Star. As a staff member of the West Coast Well Being metaphysical publication, Shelley was responsible for writing a pet psychic column and as a pet psychic, was mentioned in Lisa Barretta’s published book, ‘The Street Smart Psychic Guide to Getting a Good Reading.’

Special Guest: Rev. Jeremy Riden

Rev. Jeremy Riden is an Intuitive Destiny Coach, Soul Coach, a Motivational Medium and a Divine Channel for ArchAngel Nathaniel. Jeremy’s mission is to help people from all over the world to discover their deepest passions, truest purposes, greatest potential and their highest path! Jeremy is used by the Universe to facilitate emotional healing in the souls of his clients. He helps his clients to tap into their subconscious mind and replace any negative beliefs that might be holding a person back from receiving their highest good.