Shelley Hofberg is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Tarot Reader, Pet Psychic and Healer. Her multi-faceted gifts are reflected in her multi-faceted psychic career. Shelley has appeared on NBC television, the Discover Channel and is included in feature articles of newspapers such as the Hollywood Independent and Ventura Star. As a staff member of the West Coast Well Being metaphysical publication, Shelley was responsible for writing a pet psychic column and as a pet psychic, was mentioned in Lisa Barretta’s published book, ‘The Street Smart Psychic Guide to Getting a Good Reading.’

Special Guest: Michael Espinoza

Michael is a clairvoyant, medium and Certified Pranic Healer. As a clairvoyant he works with Spirit Guides. He channels the information these higher beings give him via clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and claircognizance, sharing this information with clients with compassion and wisdom helping them find clarity, healing and personal empowerment. He is a certified Pranic Healer, healing people since 2004 and an Arhatic Yogi. He leads a Twin Hearts meditation group regularly.