Shelley Hofberg is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Tarot Reader, Pet Psychic and Healer. Her multi-faceted gifts are reflected in her multi-faceted psychic career. Shelley has appeared on NBC television, the Discover Channel and is included in feature articles of newspapers such as the Hollywood Independent and Ventura Star. As a staff member of the West Coast Well Being metaphysical publication, Shelley was responsible for writing a pet psychic column and as a pet psychic, was mentioned in Lisa Barretta’s published book, ‘The Street Smart Psychic Guide to Getting a Good Reading.’

Special Guest: Frances Pullin

As a child, Frances always knew she was psychic when she knew things about others and about occurrences around her. In 2003 after the death of her son, Daman, she found herself surrounded by psychics and began to educate herself with endless classes by psychic in the area. During her period of soul development she became a channel. Her main channel is Amadeus and he is filled with wisdom that helps her to teach the world of that which she has learned. Frances began teaching in Oct 2009 and channeling in her home. Francis has also become a minister, and a level 11 Reiki Master.