Laura Romeiro opens to the Angelic Realm to provide answers, guidance and healing about the things that affect us all: love, relationships, life purpose, career, health, and the best path to a happier life. After a personal encounter with Archangel Michael, Laura was drawn to learn as much as she could about Angels, and began to help others by connecting with their Angels to help get guidance and healing with channeled and intuitive messages.

Laura is also a Certified Spiritual Healer, Certified Medical Reiki Master-Teacher, Bioenergy Healer, and Animal Communicator. She is an accredited member of the ASSMPI, the America Society for Standards in Mediumship & Psychical Investigation.

Special Guest: Tim Sheehy

Tim has a master of Social Work from the University of Michigan and has experience in Addiction Treatment and Research at Wayne State University Addition Research Center. His Hospice interest began in the mid 2000s. In 2007, Tim’s father had a very difficult death despite being in the hospital. He was not on Hospice service.

Around 2008, someone had suggested that Tim should go into the Hospice field, and that is when his involvement in Hospice work started. He is also dedicated in working with seniors in his community, helping them to gain personal insight and understanding about death and dying.