Pam Silver Eagle is a Sacred Warrior of the Rainbow Prophecy and she walks the “Red Road.” She is a gifted Medicine Woman ~ Shaman, Wayshower, Earth Guardian, and a Spiritual Wellness (Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit) Guide who carries the Ancient Wisdom and the understanding of how all Living Beings are interconnected and meant to co-exist in the Great Web of Life. It is with much passion and dedication to her Soul Mission, that she assists others in connecting, healing and remembering this truth.

Special Guest: Marcia McMahon

Marcia McMahon BA, Ursuline College MA, Case Western Reserve University and The Cleveland Institute of Art Marcia is an accomplished artist and author and has her art in numerous private collections throughout the US, Europe, and Canada. She was named in Who’s Who in America 2002, 2003, 2010, up to 2012 for her accomplishments. Marcia’s older release, Notes from John, Messages from Across the Universe, highlight John L’s messages from the afterlife and his new musical lyrics! Marcia’s older book titled With Love from Diana, Queen of Hearts, Messages from Heaven for a new Age of Peace highlight messages from Princess Diana, and the Divine feminine. Marcia’s newest release is titled Mary Magdalene Speaks, the Holy grail, Bloodline and Secrets of the Divine Feminine! Marcia hosts retreats workshops on the Divine feminine and has an international following for her work.

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