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Paramount Pictures released Double Indemnity to theaters on July 3, 1944. Billy Wilder directed the film which starred Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, and Edward G. Robinson.

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Paramount Pictures released Double Indemnity to theaters on July 3, 1944. Billy Wilder directed the film which starred Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, and Edward G. Robinson.

‘Double Indemnity’ Movie Summary

In Double Indemnity, Fred MacMurray is an insurance salesman that Barbara Stanwyck into killing her husband for the insurance money. Edward G. Robinson is MacMurray’s co-worker and mentor whose job is to find phony claims. MacMurray comes up with a murder plot that will trigger a double indemnity clause to double the payout. Something in Robinson’s gut smells a rat.

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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