Bill Hader and Alec Berg talk with Gold Derby senior editor Matt Noble about creating "Barry," which earned 13 Emmy nominations this year. Hader and Berg are nominated together for Best Comedy Writing and as producers for Best Comedy Series, while Hader also earned nominations for Best Comedy Actor and Best Comedy Directing.

Berg says the two creators were meeting at a diner when Hader said, “What if I was a hit man?’ My reaction was ‘I hate that. There are more hit-men on TV than the real world.’ But very quickly we came up with the idea of him wanting to be an actor. A hit man has to be anonymous, live in the shadows and cut off from their emotions. An actor has to live in the light, access their emotions and divulge their inner truth. It started to become really interesting. A guy caught between two worlds. In order to do one thing well; he has to put himself at risk in the other world.”

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