On the 15th June 2017, the First Minister of Wales presented the Welsh Government’s new policy paper ‘Brexit & Devolution’ at Cardiff University’s Business School Postgraduate Centre.

You can listen to his statement about the paper on the previous episode of Golau here:

Immediately after the event, we caught up with Prof. Roger Scully, Dr Jo Hunt & Dr Rachel Minto to get their reaction to the FM’s statement and the policy paper.

In the second half of this episode we’ve included much of the Q & A from the media briefing. Although the sound isn’t great (sorry) the FM makes some very interesting answers to the questions asked so we’ve included it for reference.

You can read the Welsh Government’s paper ‘Brexit & Devolution’ here: https://beta.gov.wales/brexit

You can also follow the latest news about Wales and Brexit here: http://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/brexit/

And the WGC all-stars on Twitter…
Roger Scully: https://twitter.com/roger_scully
Jo Hunt: https://twitter.com/johunt
Rachel Minto: https://twitter.com/RA_Minto

and of course we’re here if you’d like to get in touch: https://twitter.com/golau_podcast

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