If you’re new to “Going Wild”, welcome. You’ve found us at the perfect time. Right now, we’re rebroadcasting the very first episode of the season. It’s all about how I went from an asthmatic teenager, who had never even been on a hike, to the person I am today: a scientist who studies wild animals and practically lives outdoors.

I want to give you a chance to get to know me before we hit you with the season finale, which is intense. So if you’ve already heard this story, be sure to come back next week – on November 30th – to listen to that final episode.

If you’re new to “Going Wild”, welcome. You’ve found us at the perfect time. Right now, we’re rebroadcasting the very first episode of the season. It’s all about how I went from an asthmatic teenager, who had never even been on a hike, to the person I am today: a scientist who studies wild animals and practically lives outdoors.

I want to give you a chance to get to know me before we hit you with the season finale, which is intense. So if you’ve already heard this story, be sure to come back next week – on November 30th – to listen to that final episode.