Fresh Walks is networking whilst walking. Founder Michael Di Paola stumbled upon this fantastic idea for an event in 2014.  He tried it out on a whim and soon became fascinated by the positive and life enriching effects it had on both himself and other attendees.

We talk about all the many benefits of walking, including the spirituality that being outside in nature evokes in people. It's changed Michael's life for the better and he's been keen to share the magic of walking with as many people as possible. 

If you'd like to follow Fresh Walks:

@freshwalks on Twitter

@freshwalks on Instagram

And the website is Fresh Walks

And if you'd like to get in touch with me, Katya Willems, you can find me:

On Instagram:@easyinstamcr

On Twitter: @easyinstamcr

On my website:


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