Whenever I talk about the fact that our world is ruled by psychopaths who have our species on a trajectory toward annihilation via climate collapse or nuclear war, I get people asking the very understandable question, "What can we do to stop this?" By which they generally mean something like, how can we collectively free our minds from the propaganda prison of manipulative dominators and use the power of our numbers to create a healthy world?

And the answer to this question is essentially, do what you can, where you can. You're only one person, and the machine is so very powerful and so very deeply dug in, so all you can do is one person's best in each moment. Seize every opportunity you can find to spread awareness and throw sand in the gears of the machine, and rest assured that you've done all you can.

Reading by Tim Foley.
Article with links and sources: https://caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/you-can-never-do-everything-but-you