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But perhaps the most annoying thing about all the melodramatic garment-rending over how close the US Capitol came to being taken over by violent extremists is that the US Capitol has been under the control of violent extremists for a very long time already.

For all the fretting everyone has been doing about fascists and white supremacist groups, those are not the violent extremists posing the greatest threat and amassing the highest body count today. Neither are the communists. Neither are the anarchists. Neither are the radicalized Muslims, nor the fundamentalist Christians, nor the environmentalists, nor the incels. No, the most dangerous and deadly group of violent extremists in our day are adherents to the mainstream status quo politics of the US-centralized power alliance.

And it's not even close. Certainly many of the groups listed above are dangerous and undesirable, but they're not the ones raining explosives upon families around the world for power and profit. They're not the ones brandishing nuclear weapons with steadily increasing recklessness as they ramp up a new cold war against Russia and China. They're not the ones poisoning the air and the water and rapidly destroying the environment we all depend on for survival. They're not the ones enslaving humanity to a brutal, oppressive and exploitative global capitalist system which leaves far too many toiling for far too little when there's plenty for everyone. 

That would be the so-called "moderates" of the western empire, who in reality are anything but.

Reading by Tim Foley.
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