But the most damning evidence of all against this claim is the fact that serial fabulist Luke Harding had anything to do with it.

This is after all the same reporter who authored The Guardian's notorious 2018 claim that Trump crony Paul Manafort had meetings with Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy, an evidence-free claim that was clearly false from the moment it was published and discredited even further by the fact that the Mueller investigation found no evidence for it. The same author who was involved in publishing a WikiLeaks password which led to unredacted documents becoming public. The same author who was humiliatingly incapable of substantiating his allegations of Trump-Russia collusion when he finally encountered an interviewer who challenged him to defend the titular claim in his book, Collusion.

Reading by Tim Foley.
Article with links and sources: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2021/07/16/luke-hardings-continued-employment-discredits-all-western-media/