You can't both-sides everything. You can't live your life that way.

Yes it's possible to see both sides of every contentious issue. You're supposed to be able to do that; it's a sign of intellectual maturity. If you can't see both sides of an issue your relationship with abstract concepts is too rigid, and you're probably lacking in empathy. It's just a basic part of growing up to learn how to stand in other people's shoes and see where they're coming from.

But just because you can see both sides doesn't mean you should live your life as though they're both equally true, or as though they both have equal merit. If you want to have a truth-based relationship with reality it's not enough to see both sides; you've got to grapple with it and figure out which side is more truthful, which side has more merit. You're neglecting a whole dimensionality of understanding if you just leave it at "well I can see both sides so I have no responsibility to pick one".

Reading by Tim Foley.