This week we welcomed FaceOff Guru, Fitness Beast, and all around good guy Greg Gurenlian.

Every single time we ask one of these current or former PLL guys to be on the show, they immediately say yes, and not only do they say yes, they come ready to talk.

Some of the topics you can look forward to when you listen to the episode:

-How and why do we lift for lacrosse success?

-Creation of Greg's BeastLab

-Wing play, transition play, and why we need to focus on them more.

-Making big boy decisions for lifting and playing multiple sports.

-The Faceoff Academy and Faceoff rule changes.

-The most overrated/underrated football movies.

-How Greg found his way to the PLL, and it's not exactly what you would expect.

Want to reach Greg? Check him out on IG, Twitter, and Youtube.

Also, check out this epic training montage from 2010:

Last Week

Current Toronto Rock and Archers LC lacrosse player Tom Schreiber joined us for a deep dive into:

-Being one of the best lacrosse players in the world

-Playing professional lacrosse full time and what that means

-Attending St. Anthony’s and how that prepared him for Princeton

-Why he chose Princeton and his relationship with coach Bates

His players academy course and online training in general

-Who Tom is off the field and his thoughts on Long Island Deli

Our conversation with Tom Schreiber left us with a much deeper understanding on the commitment today’s pro players are making to push the game forward. Tom is the perfect example of how professional players are pushing together to make the game better.

Take the time and give Tom Schreiber a follow on IG or Twitter.

While you’re at it give us a follow here: IG or Twitter

Want to reach Greg? Check him out on IG, Twitter, and Youtube.

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