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Episode 35: Get Started On The Road To The Passive Cashflow Lifestyle


In the conversation with today’s guest Daray Olaleye, you’ll learn the following:


[00:36 - 06:05] Daray’s profile, in Billy's guest introduction.  [06:05 - 18:19] Daray’s journey towards the world of Real Estate investment, from learning through playing games, college, travel, which all contributed to some very valuable insights. [18:19 - 24:11] How Daray went about putting all he had learned and all his insightsinto practice. [24:11 - 33:52]  What Daray feels enabled him to make the move and actually “DO IT” in terms of jumping into the world of real estate investment as a lifestyle. [33:52 - 39:03] Daray answers Billy’s Going Long FINAL THREE.

Here’s what Daray shared with us during today’s conversation:

Favourite European City: Mykonos, Greece. He currently lives in Richmond, Texas. Best thing to happen in the past 24 hours: Finding out that he has been approved by suppliers and so can go ahead with launching a new business on Friday. A mistake Daray would like you to learn from so you don't have to pay full price for it: Set specific goals for the future and outline exactly what you need to do in each block of time, making sure you dont overshoot and are able to achieve each sub-goal. Book Recommendation: The 12 Week Year, by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennigton.

Be sure to reach out and connect with Daray Olaleye by using the info below:


www.beforethemillions.com Social media: @darayolaleye

Start taking action TODAY so that you can gain more Education and Control over your financial life.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


Do you want to have more control and avoid the mistakes that I made getting started in long distance investing?  Then you can DOWNLOAD the 7 Mistakes to Avoid in Long Distance Investing Guide by clicking HERE.


Be sure to connect with Billy!  He’s made it easy for you to do…Just go to any of these sites:


Website: www.billykeels.com Youtube: billykeels Facebook: Billy Keels Fan Page Instagram: @billykeels Twitter: @billykeels LinkedIn: Billy Keels

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