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Episode 17: From Medical Professional To High Impact Investor


In the conversation with today’s guest, Felecia Froe, you’ll learn the following:


[00:26 - 02:51] Felecia’s profile, in Billy’s guest introduction.  [02:51 - 05:54] The story of how Felecia went from being a physician specialising in urology to learning about syndication and becoming a successful investor. [05:54 - 09:00] The similarities and transferable skills that a physician can bring to real estate investing. [09:00 - 11:19] What the mains draw was to want to do something other than working in medicine.. [11:19 - 14:58] The lowdown in Social Impact Investing. [14:58 - 18:50] How "Food Access" relates to and affects investment opportunities.  [18:50 - 25:00] What motivated Felecia to move into Going Long investments instead of just investing locally in California.


Here’s what Felecia  shared with us during today’s conversation:


Favourite European City: Barcelona  She currently lives in Tracy, California. Best thing to happen in the past 24 hours: Going to a friend's house to play "own rules" Monopoly! A mistake Felecia would like you to learn from so you don't have to pay full price for it: Make sure you get to know prospective investment partners well before committing fully. Book Recommendation:  Bluefishing, Steve Sims CHECK OUT FELECIA'S BOOK 'How To Create Wealth That Outlives You'. To get a FREE ebook go to www.moneywithmission.com


Be sure to reach out and connect with Felecia Froe by using the info below:


www.narwhalinvestmentgroup.com Twitter and other socials: @feleciafroemd Podcast: Making a Difference Radio  Email: [email protected]

Start taking action TODAY so that you can gain more Education and Control over your financial life.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


Do you want to have more control and avoid the mistakes that I made getting started in long distance investing?  Then you can DOWNLOAD the 7 Mistakes to Avoid in Long Distance Investing Guide by clicking HERE.


Be sure to connect with Billy!  He’s made it easy for you to do…Just go to any of these sites:


Website: www.billykeels.com Youtube: billykeels Facebook: Billy Keels Fan Page Instagram: @billykeels Twitter: @billykeels LinkedIn: Billy Keels

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