There are five categories of prizes to projects that might change the world. This Sunday the prizes are to be given. Philip and Paul take a look at some of the finalists and given their opinion on which prizes they think should win. All these projects look good even ones that are not the finalists since we all need to our bit to improve the world we live in.

There are five prize areas the first is to try to protect and restore nature, the second is to clean our air, the third is to revive our oceans, the fourth is to build a waste free world and finally the fifth prize is to fix our climate.

All the projects are worthwhile and many are innovative. 

The Prize aims to turn the current pessimism surrounding environmental issues into optimism, by highlighting the ability of human ingenuity to bring about change, and inspiring collective action. 

The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge unites people to tackle some of today’s biggest challenges, delivering impact on a range of issues that matter to Their Royal Highnesses and to society.