How do we grow More food with Less space. With the an estimated 9 billion people to be living on this planet by 2050, 100% more food will be required to feed them, but we limited on space or arable land so what can we do. 


currently Food production make up 26% of our CO2 equivalent emissions already and we really do not want to increase it, so we -as a species- got get more efficient. whether that is with more organic farming techniques such as crop rotation or just better policies such as wild areas amongst the crops to prevent as much pesticide and herbicide being used. 


Another way to help feed more people is to change our diets, introduce more efficient calories such as pulses rather than beef...


A cheap way of growing more food of course is to use space that plants could never habitat, this is the idea of vertical farming, by using space above the plants more plants can be grown and therefore more food!