Previous Episode: Power for the People

We watch Extinction Rebellion climbing on trains and the protestors pulled off by the passengers, and we see Insulate Britain, blocked the main motorways of the UK bringing hundreds of people to a standstill preventing them going to work. Do these protests work. They certainly upset many of the people nearby, but they do make the headlines. Do people the think about insulating their house because insulate Britain blocked the M25. Do people use less Plastic because someone tries to superglue themselves to the roof of a train? Are there better ways to protest of change the way that people think. Episodes of the Blue Planet have had far more success in making people aware of plastic in the Oceans than school strikes every Friday. Strikes and rhetoric may not be the most effective way to persuade peopleĀ  and Governments to change. What do you think. Philip and Paul look into the matter and come up with their own ideas.