What if Persona 5 discussion but filtered through a bunch of exhausted queers who want to see the new Fast & the Furious movie, and also one is sick and high on cough medicine? and Christa are here to provide. We talk about the rise of twinks in 2017, plenty of vehicular homosexuality, and Christa makes a joke.

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###Topics Discussed

Akira Kurusu, "Joker" (Persona 5)
Ann Takamaki and Carmen
The Lyrics to "Child's Play" by Drake (Views)
Han Seoul-Oh (The Fast & the Furious)
Haru Okumura and Milady (Persona 5)
Jenko, played by Channing Tatum (22 Jump Street)
Makoto Niijima and Johanna (Persona 5)
Mara (Shin Megami Tensei) (NSFW)
Meet the Fockers
Morgana and Zorro and Morgana As A Real Cat (Persona 5)
Roman Pearce, played by Tyrese Gibson (The Fast & The Furious)
Ryuji Sakamoto and Captain Kidd (Persona 5)
A Treatise on Ludacris's Extance in the Fast & the Furious
Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)

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