In our first-ever discussion, we weren't prepared to record a real episode, so all of the following are present in spades:

• Eden's audio coming through laptop speakers right back into a laptop mic

• Incredibly detailed audio of Fin's computer whirring and straining

• Network interruptions in Eden's audio silencing precious nouns from her sentences

• Cat noises

• Takeout boys knocking on the door

Meanwhile, a TV investigator produces a proposal ring from an unlikely cavity, a legendary professor is killed in a fit of puzzle passion, and Fin and Eden display their encyclopedic knowledge of sneakers. Experience the mystery!

Follow us on Twitter: @goingdowncast, @fontiago, and @swampliker

###Topics Discussed:

Elliot Stabler (Law & Order: Special Victims Order)

Evan the cat.

Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)

Luke (Professor Layton)

Lemongrab (Adventure Time)

Mr. Maekawa (Pocket Card Jockey)

Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent slide puzzle

Screengrab of Sneaker Destruction video

Tenzin (The Legend of Korra)

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