Eden discovers fanfiction for the first time. Fin discovers horse vulvae for the umpteenth time. There's much ado about digital animation, queer Pokemon trainers, and horny sexual congress on this week's Going Down with the Ship.

Follow us on Twitter: @goingdowncast, @fontiago, and @swampliker

###Characters Discussed:

Brenda the Bun & Teresa the Taco (Sausage Party)

Candela, Blanche, and Spark (Pokemon Go)

Creature from Spore

Darryl Whitefeather (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)

Dex Dogtective (Foodfight!)

Ko Takeuchi's Dab

Mr. Peanutbutter (BoJack Horseman)

Sausage Party Cast (Sausage Party)

Sunshine Goodness (Foodfight!)


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