(TW for one mention of sexual abuse at 28:33)

This week on Going Down with the Ship, some would call it tunnel vision, but we call it laser focusing in on the eponymous Cory Baxter of Cory In The House. We talk about the multitudes of Cory contained within that bright yellow polo, his nihilistic epoch, and his Revelation which brings unto the earth a new God for the new era. Meanwhile, we get into the epic characters and expansive lore of Game of Thrones - live long and prosper, am I right? - and discuss the nature of J.O. crystals. Bow down to Cory, the Manifested Good-Time Goods-for-All Having-Ism Social Democrat.

Da Gameboyz’ review of Cory in the House (Nintendo DS, 2008)

Follow us on Twitter: @goingdowncast, @fontiago, and @swampliker

###Characters Discussed:

Cory Baxter (Cory in the House)
Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones)
Sonmi-451 (Cloud Atlas)

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