Eden is overtaken by ham rage. Fin is overtaken by Life is Strage. An alleyway is overtaken by a pandemic of small blue stuffed beans. This week on Going Down with the Ship... wanna buy a watch? (The watch is full of weed.) Also, we talk about Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Telltale Games Presents: The Bachelorette, and reveal the secret truth of Jonathan Blow's jar of piss.

Follow us on Twitter: @goingdowncast, @fontiago, and @swampliker

###Characters Discussed:

Barry Goodman (right) (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE)

Chad Johnson (The Bachelorette, season 12)

Chloe Price (Life is Strange)

Evan Bass (The Bachelorette, season 12)

Jonathan Blow's Big Ol' Portable Piss Pot (The Witness)

Kiria Kurono & Tharja (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE)

Max Caulfield (Life is Strange)

Perry the Platypus? (Phineas and Ferb)

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