Kindness is one of the Spirit's antidotes to hostility in our world. See the needs of others and using all that God has given us to meet those needs breaks the cycles of brokenness that the world offers so many. Shélagh Walton and Hannah Row join Aimee and Jo to talk about the fruit of kindness.

Connecting the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 with Jay Kim's book "Analogue Christian", Jo Leutton and Aimee Cowan journey through each of the Fruit of the Spirit, talking with people who live out these fruit in their everyday lives and ministries. You'll hear from people from all walks of life sharing their successes and challenges as they seek to live in step with the Spirit in all that they do. Join us for this journey!

Links from this episode/helpful links:

"Analogue Christian" by Jay Y. Kim (Amazon)

Big thanks to Tim Whittle for editing and extra production on this podcast.

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