The Oceania/Pacific region covers such a diverse range of cultures, ethnic heritage and spiritual expression. In the midst of that, Elissa MacPherson has the task of uniting women around the truth of Jesus within their common stories. Elissa is the President of the Baptist Women of the Pacific, and Ps Jo Leutton and Ps Robyn Robertson from Riverlife Church talk with her about the blessings and challenges of uniting such a diverse community, as she seeks to walk together with people to unlock deeper compassion and solidarity.


More Information about Elissa MacPherson/Baptist Women of the Pacific:

Web: Baptist Women of the Pacific - bwpacific.orgEvent: Global Conference of Baptist Women - Life! (Online Conference)


Big thanks to Tim Whittle for editing and extra production on this podcast.

For more info and how you can help, please contact Riverlife Church, and find us on Facebook and Instagram. Music credit: Scott & Annie McKinnon, 'Revive'.

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