We begin our new series "Revival History", taking a look at how and when God has moved throughout human history. This episode, Scott and Jo begin with an introduction, taking a look at what Revival is, some ideas about why and how it's one of the most significant areas of attention for the church today, and then outline where we're going over the next few weeks. We trust that you'll be blessed, stirred in your faith, and drawn deeper into a passionate relationship with Jesus as you listen.

Resources/Links mentioned in this episode or helpful for Going Deeper:

Website: Edwin Orr - Teacher, Historian and Revivalist
Book: "2000 Years of Charismatic Church History" by Eddie Hyatt
Book: "Flashpoints of Revival: History's Mighty Revivals" by Dr Geoff Waugh
Website: Revivals in the Bible - Old Testament
Website: Revivals in the Bible - New Testament

Get more info at Riverlife Church, and find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Music credit: Scott & Annie McKinnon, 'Revive'.

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