Dr Heidi Baker is a laid-down lover who has given her life for the poorest of the poor in Mozambique. Scott and Jo had the pleasure of spending time with Heidi hearing her heart for others. Heidi recounts her journey into her life-long relationship wiht Jesus, and the call God has placed on her life for the poor. Her story of faith, obedience and subsequent fruit in her ministry is a testimony of the love and power of Jesus.

Resources/Links mentioned in this episode or helpful for Going Deeper:

Website: Iris Global
Facebook: Iris Global - featuring many videos and teaching clips
Book: Always Enough - by Rolland and Heidi Baker
Book: Compelled By Love - Heidi Baker
Book: Birthing the Miraculous - Heidi Baker
Book: Expecting Miracles - Rolland and Heidi Baker
Devotional: Reckless Devotion - Rolland and Heidi Baker

Thanks to Tim Whittle for production on this episode.

Get more info at Riverlife Church, and find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Music credit: Scott & Annie McKinnon, 'Revive'.

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