Art and it's creation can be one of those wonderfully unknown things. Where does inspiration come from? How does each different artist recieve it, and translate that into what the rest of us get to experience? For Brett and Leah Shaw, that process is intrinsically tied to their relationship with Jesus and how the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding them. Brett and Leah talk with Jo and Scott about life, creativity, faith and New Year's Day.

Resources/Links mentioned in this episode or helpful for Going Deeper:

Web: Leah Shaw - ArtworkSocial: KLAPPE Studio by Leah Shaw (Instagram)Social: Brett Anthony Shaw (Instagram)Music: Brett Anthony Shaw (Spotify | Apple Music)Song: 01/01/2020 (on Spotify)

Big thanks to Tim Whittle for editing and extra production on this podcast. "01/01/2020" ©2020 Brett Anthony Shaw (used by permission).

For more info and how you can help, please contact Riverlife Church, and find us on Facebook and Instagram. Music credit: Scott & Annie McKinnon, 'Revive'.

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