Mike Dariano is a writer, an educator, and a creator. He writes about productivity and better work at Productivityist and edits the site 27GoodThings.com which features good things to read, watch, and use. He also writes at The Waiter’s Pad – a blog that shares in depth notes from podcast interviews around the web.


He has written a few books including; My Meditations: What a Roman Emperor Taught me About Parenting, Read More Books: Hijack your Habits, Tame your Time, and Find Better Tools for Reading More Books, and Children’s Poems for the Couch on a Sunday Afternoon.


Mike’s Challenge; Read more books.


Mentioned Media

Helsinki Bus Station Theory

Gary Vaynerchuk on Rich Roll podcast

Venkatesh Rao on the Tropical MBA podcast


Check out Mike’s Book; 28 Lessons from Startups that Failed



If you liked this interview, check out episode 46 with Taylor Pearson where we discuss entrepreneurship and the future of the economy.