What does it take to become the top referred real estate agent on Zillow? A lot of reviews and hustle.


Brian Teyssier shared his perspective on the industry during a riveting 30-minute conversation at his home in Mount Washington. Brian has worked with some of the top real estate coaches in the business and has some seriously impressive stats.


He's surpassed $19 million in volume in both 2017 & 2018. He's accrued 333 reviews on Zillow.


As Brian battles to the top of the luxury home market, he runs a lean and digital practice. You’ll be blown away at his story of selling a house for more than $500,000 without ever meeting the owner in person.


In this conversation, Aaron and Brian also discuss how he got started flipping houses, how he goes above and beyond with his open houses, and where the industry is headed.


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Brian’s Challenge; Push yourself out of your comfort zone.


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