Mark DeSantis is currently CEO of RoadBotics, an AI-based product that monitors and manages roadway infrastructure. Previously, he has co-founded an energy hedge fund, a GE Ventures-backed energy predictive analytics company, and a venture-backed online tutoring company.


Why build a company focused on road maintenance? There is a desperate need to efficiently and effectively monitor and maintain the world's civil infrastructure. His company, RoadBotics, uses smartphone sensors to inexpensively monitor streets, roads, highways, sidewalks and bridges and to lower maintenance costs.


We discuss training machine learning algorithms, the career arc of an entrepreneur, and what Mark has learned from his past startups.


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Mark’s Challenge; Find the alternative viewpoint and empathetically consume it before arguing.



Lincoln-Douglas Debates


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Underwritten by Piper Creative

A digital agency that provides strategy, delivery, and analysis specializing in a few key service offerings.

Documentary-as-a-Service (Vlogging 2.0)

Instagram Content Production & Account Building

Podcast Production, Strategy Consulting, and Guest Acquisition


If you aren’t creating or curating content regularly, your clients and customers might forget you’re open for business.




If you liked this interview, check out two more interviews with Pittsburgh entrepreneurs. Episode 260 features a discussion with Anthony Vennare about the future of health and wellness, making a modern media company, and building a business in Pittsburgh. Episode 242 features a discussion with Darrin Grove about running a company for 20 years and constantly reinventing himself.


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