Don Grage is co-owner and managing director of two small data analytics and information technology companies in Northern Virginia. He is also majority owner and managing partner of the DC Breeze, a professional Ultimate Disc team that plays in the 5-year old American Ultimate Disc League (AUDL), and he serves on the Executive Council of the league. As a longtime entrepreneur from California, Don started his first company with a friend in high school and has been involved in more than 15 successful early stage companies over the past 30 years, ranging from skimboards and waterproof wallets to bioinformatics and fuel industry data analytics. He has a wife and three children, a 2nd-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, plays guitar in a local band, and plays ultimate every chance he gets... although that is not nearly often enough.


Don’s Challenge: Everyone with the smallest passion bone in their body can find 25 hours a month without giving up anything meaningful. Pick something that you’re interested in — hobby, skill, business idea, field of study, whatever — and dedicate 25 hours per month to it for 4 months.


It may turn out to a big new passion that changes your life. Or it may not! But either way, you’ve given up virtually nothing and will definitely learn 1) A whole bunch about a new topic you’re interested in; 2) Whether or not you’re truly passionate about that topic; and most importantly 3) That you really do have 25 hours a month to invest in whatever exciting thing comes along next in your life. Get to it!


Connect with Don




[email protected]


If you liked this interview, check out episode 156 with Jim Lloyd where we discuss owning three AUDL franchises and going all in on professional ultimate.

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