Great board game discussions with Monique and Naveen of Before You Play! What games did we change our minds on (either way) after a second play? What games have we invested the most in? And what ones do we find hardest to get to the table...for whatever reason?

Here are the games covered in this episode:

Christina’s topic: Games you’ve invested the most in

Lost Ruins of Arnak Abomination: The Heir of Frankenstein Killer Bunnies Dead of Winter Scythe Scythe: Rise of Fenris Wingspan The Quacks of Quedlinburg Innovation Grand Austria Hotel Kanban EV

Naveen’s topic: Games you’ve changed your mind about after a second play

Root Medium Just One Hansa Teutonica Ticket to Ride Terraforming Mars Loot of Lima The Search for Planet X Cryptid Alchemists

Monique’s topic: The hardest games to get to the table

The Gallerist Lisboa Vinhos On Mars Pandemic Legacy Sleeping Gods King’s Dilemma Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy Twilight Imperium Two Rooms and a Boom Witness

Final thoughts:

Root Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef