Anna Kipnis (ex-Double Fine) joins us to discuss games with uniquely human interactions, while Nick shares his favorite modern pub games, Christina highlights games that reveal players’ personalities, Shoe muses on how working in video games has influenced our board game preferences.

Games we discussed:

Intro: Orleans Yokohama Scoville Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done Small World   Nick's Topic:   Skull Liar's Dice Kobayakawa Lie The Mind Illusion A Fake Artist Goes to New York Dead Last Just One A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King   Christina's Topic:  Pandemic Legacy Pandemic Ascension Lost Cities Werewolf Shadows Over Camelot Coup Battlestar Galactica Secret Hitler The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31   Anna's Topic:   Codenames Dead of Winter   Shoe's Topic:  Gloomhaven TIME Stories Puerto Rico   Round-Up: Hanabi Rising Sun Doro-Doko