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The #1 most people struggle with is content. How to write copy, what it should be about and when to post...

In this episode you'll hear the only 3 types of content you need to be focusing on and my hacks on how to write it.

Instagram Content. Where you need to be focusing your energy on in terms of the only 3 types of content to build a brand that showcases you as the 3 dimensional human that you are. We'll go over the fact that purchases are made by people who know, like, and trust you and how you can accelerate that relationship with your viewers. In this episode you'll learn how to take what you already know and do daily and turn it into content to add massive value to your audience and attract new followers.

I'll teach you how to share your life stories in ways that inspire and connect with your followers as well as how to create influence through thought leader content. We'll also talk about how to pull from your past experiences and turn those emotional markers into content that breaks through barriers and reaches your audience on an emotional level. This episode will cover all things Instagram content and leave you with so much clarity around where you need to be focusing your time and energy. How different would your life look if you decided you were Going All In?