Ryan, Joanna, and returning guest Fiona hop aboard the shell of Gamera for a triplet of turtley talkies! From the 70s to the 90s, it's Turtle Power all the way as we cheer for Godzilla's biggest rival.

First, we head off to a goofy 1970s Expo in Gamera vs. Jiger, and experience the joy of being inside Gamera. Watch out for the tonsils! Then, we complete our coverage of the Kaneko Gamera Trilogy by talking about Gamera 2 and Gamera 3. Big bugs, whipping tentacles, and teenage angst abound!

Next time, we're taking a trip to the fantastic world of legends with a Ray Harryhausen double feature!

Godzillavangelists is a satirical, critical work not affiliated or endorsed by Toho, Legendary Pictures, or anyone behind the Godzilla series.

Visit our website at Godzillavangelists.com! We’re also on Twitter @Godzillacast, and Instagram @Godzillavangelists! And we have a Godzillavangelists Facebook page too!