In today's episode, I chat with Heidi Brockmyre, Doctor of Chinese Medicine. She has a decade of experience helping women grow their families. She's supported hundreds of women in her clinic in San Diego, and thousands of women around the world.

She teaches women how to get pregnant a faster, healthier, easier and more affordable way with her online program, Fertility Activation Method.

She loves teaching women how to renew faith in their ability to conceive and to take back control of their health and bodies.

And she has a kick-ass tattoo that explains her travels and passion for fertility! I ask her to explain all of this in the episode! Her journey is so fascinating!

We discuss Heidi's journey as a medicine woman, her holistic approach to your fertility, and why it's NOT important to get your blood work checked right away. Learn how to achieve a fertile body through Chinese Medicine.


   "Mother Nature has all the medicine that we need." 


Also, her free gift is a Fertility Activation Checklist. You can send people here:

You can learn more about Heidi on your website.

***This Friday starts new episodes about my own journey to mommahood. I have loved all the interviews we had so far and thought to NOT break up the flow of these awesome guests, why not just create another episode on another day. Join me this Friday for an update on where I am on my fertility journey.