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Ladies & Gentlemen, we have a Truly Mind-Blowing Episode featuring Immanuel Kingman & MiMi, the Host's of - GODCAST: The Goodness Over Darkness Podcast. Immanuel has a Vast Wealth of Incredible Knowledge who takes us on a Journey Deep into the Abyss almost immediately on the Post Apocalyptic World. However, that's not all. This journey includes, the 1st Destruction on the World - The Great Flood, the 7 Year Tribulation, Satan, Mud-Flood's & the Shady as Fuck cover-ups, Easter Island, Gobekli Tepe, the Leaning Tower Of Pisa and other Leaning Tower's throughout the World, Soil Liquefaction, Giant Earthquakes, Empty Cities around the World, Emanuel Swedberg (Surname changed to Swedenborg) & The New Christ Church. That's along with a very important Paranormal event he experienced which resulted in numerous Predictions, including his own Death. The Jesuits being Exiled (Nice!), United States Declaration Of Independence, The Moors People, The World War of 1812 named The French & Indian War, Christopher Columbus & the absolute Bull Shit story of his Ventures when he arrived in America, The Knight's Templars, 400,000 French Troops in Moscow to tackle a hoard of Giants, The 10 lost but not lost Tribes of Israel, Egyptian's, The Year Without a Summer that lasted for 7 years from 1816-1823, an almost Nuclear Winter, Volcano's Erupting, The American Civil War, World's Fairs, The Gold Rush, California used to be an Island with it's body of water named The Red Sea, San Francisco, Old World Architecture, Star Forts, Salt Lake City, no Tombstones between 1780-1850!, Serpent Mounds, those Sneaky Bastard Smithsonian's, The Carrington Event, Gargoyles, a race of Scorpion Entities, the Great Fires that happened in numerous Cities, The , Flash Freezing & the mini Ice Age in the 1300's, The Dark Ages & The Enlightening Period, Enoch, The Arc Of The Covenant, 9.11, The Tower Of Babel, JFK Assassination, Demons Infiltrating Governments, All Seeing Eye, The Black Eye Club, Men in Black, Black Eyed Kids, Agenda 2030, Nephilim Abominations, The Mark of The Beast, Directed Energy Weapons that could potentially have caused the Great Fires, The Moon, Nephilim Clowns & Jesus Christ. All in all Immanuel shared Vital, Imperative information which as you'll hear for yourself is a truly Phenomenal Perspective. This Episode is as Wild as they come, for sure!

Check out General Lee's Podcast Subconscious Realms!!

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Visit the podcast website: https://TheGreatChakraAwakening777.podbean.com



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Twitter: @WalksWithNatur1