Hello Everybody! Thank you for coming to another episode of Godcast: The Goodness Over Darkness Podcast! Today's episode features Crystopher The Astro Medium. We discuss psychic abilities, kundalini awakening and recovering from traumas in a big way. Crystopher is incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable on the Astral/4D/Psychic realm.

Check out Crystopher on IG @the.astromedium

or on his website https://www.chrystophermedium.com/

Visit the website: https://www.ImmanuelKingman.com https://TheGreatChakraAwakening777.podbean.com

Email me @ [email protected]

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YouTube: Godcast: The Goodness Over Darkness Podcast

IG: https://www.instagram.com/thegreatchakraawakening777/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WalksWithNatur1

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