Myrrh de Marmion is a Vibrational Alchemist, Life Guide and Mystic, assisting individuals who seek inner ways to deeper health, happiness, and well-being. Her work blends training in energy and sound healing modalities, shamanic and other studies with empathic and intuitive abilities, all of which offer unique support to individuals in private and group settings. A survivor of childhood trauma, Myrrh incorporates Sacred Sound and Sacred Voice as key components in group offerings because of its ability to capture and express the rawness of experience as well as magnify the DNA signature of our personal healing.

Her new e-workbook, The Five Life Passages of Transformation~the Sacred Journey Through Adversity and Challenge, draws upon wisdom she gained in her own healing journey. You can find the ebook, meditation tools, card deck, and all other services she offers on her website

Her YouTube channel is:

Radio show episodes are here:

Closing music entitled Time Does Not Matter by Elm Lake courtesy of