Our first episode of Season Two celebrates our plant allies with herbalist Sarah Donoghue of Cornwall. Do consider subscribing to her magical blog. It is money well spent and will enrich your lives in unimaginable ways.


The poem referred to in our talk is In Tintagel Graveyard

Who brought flowers to this grave?

I, said the wren.

I brought them as seeds and then

Watched them grow.

No, said the wind. That's not true.

I blew them across the moor and sea,

I blew them up to the grave's door.

They were a gift from me.

They came of their own accord,

Said the celandine.

I know best. They're brothers of mine.

I am Death's friend,

Said the crow. I ought to know.

I dropped them into the shadow of the leaning stone.

I brought the flowers.

No, said Love,

It was I who brought them,

With the help of the wren's wing,

With the help of the wind's breath,

With the help of the celandine and the crow.

It was I who brought them

For the living and the dead to share,

I was the force that put those flowers there.

Brian Patten