Previous Episode: But God! - EP 242

This episode of God Stories Radio has special guest, Jennifer (Jenn) Hough, joining the GSR trio to share her personal testimony. Jenn tells of how God delivered her through infertility issues, that she later learned saved her life. Due to an unknown and unexpected discovery of heart complications, that would have taken her life had she been able to get pregnant, God still delivered the son she always wanted.  The adoption of Austin and the events that led up to it, are nothing short of a miracle that God had already orchestrated. Despite a multitude of health complications, a divorce, and finding love in her life again, Jenn shares how her family, Church and a personal relationship with God are what has carried her through the storms and joys of life. 

My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me.  - Psalm 63:8 (NASB)