Previous Episode: Beauty from the Broken
Next Episode: The Call to Repentance

Thanks to Adam's sin, we are sentenced to separation from God. But thanks to Jesus Christ, we can choose to come to Jesus in faith and be reconciled to God again. Pick up your Bible or phone and turn to Romans 5 to hear the story.

For those who use Word Aflame Curriculum, the Bible passage focused on in this episode comes from God's Word for Life, Spring 2022, entitled, "Dead or Alive" (May 8, 2022). This episode is produced by the Pentecostal Publishing House and is hosted by LJ Harry. Visit us at

Here is the link to the podcast episode referenced in this episode
Apostolic Life in the 21st Century: What Does the Bible Say About Transgenderism?

To order resources of the full color, newly redesigned God's Word for Life curriculum, visit

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