Skip Lanfried's concern for people began with his relationship with the Lord.  He helped children because he was supposed to, but his true compassion was something that came to him much later.  His fight is against Human Trafficking the definition of which is holding anyone against their will and forcing them to do something against their will. This is slavery and today human slavery is at an all time high.  There are almost 30 million people in slavery around the world.  

India is the center of all slavery where the most extreme poor are forced into servitude. Bonded servitude is forced labor and is a form of slavery as is child labor and sex slavery.  Approximately a million children go missing every year.  They are manipulated and forced into the slave trade.  Some children are purposely maimed and then told to beg.  This is Pastor Skip Lanfried's Fight against Human Trafficking.

Recommended Book - “Seduced” by Opal Singleton ,

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