Ryan is a Pastor and is married with three kids, but this is a very different marriage than his first one.  His testimony talks about the struggles and pressure that a pastor and pastor’s wife feel, and how he changed his approach in his second marriage to one of humility.  

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” - Psalms 16:11

Biggest Weakness - Ryan is a self-reliant addict rather than relying on Jesus.   We have less trust in God than we think we do.  Your money will let you down, but God never will.
Dark Time - Ryan was married in 2003 as a young pastor and 4 months later his wife said she didn’t want to follow Jesus.  The spiritual rift kept pulling them apart.  She finally left and then he was asked to step down from his job as a pastor because he was separated.  7 months later he was drinking too much and literally banging his head on the wall.  God came to him in the form of 3 friends although many of his friends could not bring themselves to call.  
Ryan bought a one way ticket to Hawaii, went to the beach and asked God to be his father and to let him know that he was still around and loved him.
He spent time with the Bible and began to see it as a true story of love rather than rules
His ex was a full Christian, but she didn’t have the same convictions as Ryan.  As a pastor, Ryan believes he was arrogant which may have pushed his wife away.   Ryan was trying to be his own savior and it was a lot of pressure for his wife.
In his 2nd marriage he know longer wants to be right.  He never wants his wife to apologize before he does.  He is much more open to being wrong, because he was wrong so many times in the past.
Today Ryan wants his children to see Jesus as the one who has all the answers not him.  
As a father he pastors.  If his child is hard-hearted he gives him the law, if their broken-hearted he gives grace.  Grace will always be there for him, but there needs to be a balance between Grace and Law.  
Recommended Book - “Prodigal God” by Tim Keller “Three Free Sins” by Steve Brown
God’s Men of Influence - Someone who treasures Jesus and looks for all his satisfaction in Jesus.
[email protected]

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