At times of family suffering and death, leaning into God will help you through.  This is an incredible story of a difficult life and a man inspired by his Stepmom to follow Jesus.  Danny Zecharia has rediscovered the meaning of his faith by allowing God to work through him and getting out of the way.  He is a year sober and very reflective of the impact of his sins on his life and the lives of those around him.  This is his testimony.


“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” - Romans 8:28


Biggest Weakness - Lust Biggest Strength - Perseverance.  The only reason he has had to wake up has been Jesus. Dark Time - Raised in a loving family, but in high school got involved heavily in drugs.   Danny was kicked out of school for selling drugs.  He was exposed to Christ at 20 and gave up drinking and drugs, but soon relapsed which led to a deep resentment against the church.  God was throwing many hooks to bring Danny back, but he would not pay attention.  He began drinking and doing cocaine.  He met a woman, cleaned himself up and got engaged, but then after surgery he got addicted to Narcotics.  Danny turned back to drinking and cocaine to deal with the pain that the narcotics didn’t help.  His fiance was devastated and left.  He met a new woman and tried to quit to get married.  After an overdose, he doesn’t recognize the pattern of lying to his wife about his addiction.   It was very easy to get opiates after his back surgery.  Danny was a functioning alcoholic and drug addict who was able to keep a job. After a few years, his wife was getting tired of the problem.   He had some health issues that seemed like the flu, but when he was sent back home he couldn’t breathe.  Danny had pneumonia and the doctors needed to put him into a coma for 8 days.  This should’ve been a wake up call, but a few months later he had an overdose.  No one was there when he woke up.   Danny felt unsatisfied and tried to fill a void that only God could fill with cocaine.  He was a good liar and took advantage of his wife’s innocence. When he decided to go to Law School his wife had a fear of all the drugs that people do there. Danny started taking Adderrall early on didn’t tell his wife.  When his computer is hacked he started hearing voices directing him to do things.   He began watching pornography and cheated on his wife with a prostitute.  He couldn’t admit what he’d done, but finally told his family about the voices.  Danny went to recovery, but kept hearing the voices and thought he was going crazy. Danny began talking and negotiating with the voices.  He had gotten off the morphine and knocked down the levels of percocet, but began threatening the voices that he would drink. At some point he believed that alcoholism was not real and he dropped out of Celebrate Recovery and then dropped out of school and could no longer work.  His wife supported him emotionally through the whole time. Danny eventually bought a rope and tried to hang himself from his banister daily.  His wife Robin said no more Adderall, but he took it again and she left.  This prompted Danny to go back to recovery. [email protected] Best Advice - If you’re going through what Daniel went through, look to God.

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